Interior and exterior finishing for residential and commercial applications.

Decorative Painting

This is where it gets fun. Come up with an idea, or let us do it, and watch the magic happen.

Subtle as a soft oil glaze on a non-descript wall or as breathtaking as a 16th Century Renaissance reproduction, we have a very talented crew capable of creating whatever it is you may desire.

We have provided photos of some of our projects and creations but there is so much more we have yet to create. Floors, walls, ceilings, trim, interiors, exteriors, there are no limits to what we can do for you.

Our artists range from self-taught to Fine Arts majors, contemporary to traditional, whimsical to detailed, but always professional and dare-we say talented.

Decorative Gallery

IndyCraft Painting
6438 Rucker Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46220
Phone: (317) 475-0047